Navigating LANGUAGE in Capital Letters.

(1) A comprehensive Table of Contents is provided. Click any item to jump to it in the Book. Use the BACK function of your browser to return.

Hyperlinks are used for internal cross-referencing. These are highlighted in color and consist of numbers identifying the chapter and section, axiom, or definition (e.g., 2.2) of the link target. Use the BACK function of your browser to return.

Comments are placed in numbered footnotes at the bottom of the page upon which the comment occurs. These are not linked other than visually by the number. Use scrolling to read footnotes and return to your place in the text.

Bibliographic References are inserted into the text using bracketed `AUTHOR/YEAR’ format {e.g., [Lytle, 1972]}. Click on these to view the corresponding entry in the BIBLIOGRAPHY at the end of the Book. Use the BACK function of your browser to return to your place in the text.

In the Preview materials, links are active only for the portion of the Book included.